GPU Marketplace Pricing

Supply Side

  • Supply Rewards: Earn points for providing GPU resources on our platform.

  • Rental Income: Gain rental payments for the GPUs you supply, detailed in the payment structure below.

    • Machines shared are used by a client:

      • Maximum Rental Payment Income (Suppliers set their own price that should not exceed the following):

        • H100 SXM: $3.20/hour

        • H100 PCIe: $3.00/hour

        • A100 SXM: $1.80/hour

        • A100 PCIe: $1.60/hour

        • 3090: $0.30/hour

        • 4090: $0.50/hour

      • Platform Fee:

        • Hyperbolic will take a 10% platform fee from the rental income.
      • Example: Let’s say a supplier decides to set up an H100 SXM at $2.5/hour, when the machine is being used by a client, they will be receiving 90% of the price they decide to share on the network, aka $2.25/hour.

    • Machines shared on the network are sitting idle:

      • Hourly Point Reward:
        • H100 SXM: 320 points/hour
        • H100 PCIe: 300 points/hour
        • A100 SXM: 180 points/hour
        • A100 PCIe: 160 points/hour
        • 3090: 30 points/hour
        • 4090: 50 points/hour
      • Example: Whenever a supplier shares their machine on our network, if their machine is sitting idle, they will receive the amounts of point / hour as shared above.

Demand Side

  • Initial Credits:
    • Every renter will get $10 credits upon sign-up.
  • Renting Machines:
    • Renters purchase machines to rent using their credits.
    • Renters’ credits will decrease as they use the rented machines.
    • Renters' instances will be terminated after the credit drop under $0.
  • Hyperbolic’s Max Hourly On-Demand Price (Suppliers set their own price that will not exceed the following):
    • H100 SXM: $3.20
    • H100 PCIe: $3.00
    • A100 SXM: $1.80
    • A100 PCIe: $1.60
    • 3090: $0.30
    • 4090: $0.50